
Siau Millipedes

 Millipedes are one of the types of animals that are most easily found in tropical forests, especially in Indonesia. In North Sulawesi province this animal is known by two local names, namely: the Siau people call it Dalriawede, and the Minahasa call it Kongkoriang. There are several interesting things you need to know about this animal. 1. The water released by this animal is yellow and according to the natural knowledge of the local community, this water is very dangerous if it gets into the eyes. The victim will experience blindness. 2. According to the local community's natural knowledge, this animal is very helpful for soil fertility through the leaves it eats, digests and excretes as feces. 3 In the Sangihe Islands there are three types of this animal, namely red, green and black with different sizes.


    BEACH COFFEE RESTAURANT  If you visit to Siau Island is incomplete if you don't enjoy some of the original culinary delights of Siau Island. As is known, Siau Island is fertile land that grows various kinds of plants native to Siau Island, ranging from types of fruit, such as nutmeg, and vegetables, all of which are grown organically. Siau Island is also surrounded by ocean which contains various marine resources such as thousands of types of fish. It is not surprising that the fish available in every restaurant on Siau Island is always fresh. With these abundant results, of course, Siau Island is rich in sharing the original culinary types of Siau Island, including those in this picture. Some of these types of culinary delights are cooked with a mixture of coconut milk and also pieces of nutmeg as flavoring...


  If you want to go on holiday to Siau Island, and want to rent a scooter to explore Siau Island, you must know how much it costs to rent a scooter per day on Siau Island... Usually the cheapest scooter rental price on Siau Island is IDR 100,000 per day... and remember before renting a scooter, make sure the scooter is in good condition, including the engine, brakes, lights, etc. And don't forget to obey traffic rules, wear a helmet while driving, always stay in the left lane, turn on the lights, etc. happy holidays

Type of butterfy of Siau isaland

Abutterfy with red eyes  


One of some beauty kinds of spiders that you can see in Siau island  and aroubnd.  


 Philippine Megapode or in Siau language it is called Mele, this bird is very easy to find in the Siau Islands district of Tagulandang Biaro, especially on Siau Island and Masare Island. In terms of breeding, this bird has a unique way. This bird does not incubate, but instead incubates the eggs by the heat from the sand. When the time comes to lay eggs, this bird will dig into the sand approximately one to one and a half meters deep and lay the egg, then bury it and leave it. After a few days, the baby bird will hatch and will have to fend for itselfcame out of the sand approximately one meter deep.After emerging from the sand, this baby bird immediately learned to fly, without being accompanied by its mother. This bird lays more than one egg at a time, namely up to four or five or even more. However, sometimes this bird's eggs are often eaten by predators, namely monitor lizards..


    Dicaeaum wilheminae   These two bierds can be seen on  Siau island,North Sulawesi province,INDONESIA.Like other birds,this bird is very active in the morning and can be found in the trees that are not too tall and have flowes.