
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2024

Karangetang volcano and and the surrounding community

 This volcano has three names according to its era, namely: 1. Aditinggi (when this mountain was still worshiped by the ancestors of the Siau people in the past. 2 Yohanes Tamagagolo (When Christianity arrived on the island of Siau. 3 Karangetang (which is better known today). In ancient times, according to our parents, before Christianity arrived on the island of Siau in 1563, the Siau people had 3 gods, namely: Genggonalangi, Aditnggi, and Mawendo. Of these three gods, Aditinggi is the one most known to the people of Siau, this is because there is a very close relationship between the people and this volcano. One proof of this relationship is that there are still people in Siau who believe that every eruption or eruption of this volcano is caused by people's wrong lifestyle. (someone commits a very serious sin).volcanic eruption as. response that something has happened that a believer should not have done  In ancient times it was strictly forbidden to point towards a volcano with


This type of grasshopper is a leaf-eating insect. Because it often damages coconut plants, it has recently become a pest that often harms coconut farmers. Several years ago, around the 1980s, this insect attacked thousands of coconut trees belonging to farmers in Siau.  This condition causes farmers to experience losses because crop yields decrease significantly. This condition forced the local government at that time, through schools, to order students to look for breeding places for these insects. to collect and eradicate these insect eggs   This is intended to stop the reproduction of these insects. and it worked.


 This type of fern leaf is known on the island of Siau as Potoraha. For the people of Siau, the leaves of this plant are no longer foreign, because they are easy to find in the village. There is one interesting thing about this plant. According to the natural knowledge of the local community, this plant can be used to stop bleeding in freshly scratched wounds. Therefore, the Siau people from Saman previously gave this plant the name Potoraha, because it comes from two Siau language syllables, namely: Poto and Raha. POTO which means cut or break or stop. And RAHA which means Blood.  which can be interpreted as stopping the blood. The part used to stop the blood is a brown powder or known as the spores attached to the stem.

Siau Millipedes

 Millipedes are one of the types of animals that are most easily found in tropical forests, especially in Indonesia. In North Sulawesi province this animal is known by two local names, namely: the Siau people call it Dalriawede, and the Minahasa call it Kongkoriang. There are several interesting things you need to know about this animal. 1. The water released by this animal is yellow and according to the natural knowledge of the local community, this water is very dangerous if it gets into the eyes. The victim will experience blindness. 2. According to the local community's natural knowledge, this animal is very helpful for soil fertility through the leaves it eats, digests and excretes as feces. 3 In the Sangihe Islands there are three types of this animal, namely red, green and black with different sizes.