Karangetang volcano and and the surrounding community

 This volcano has three names according to its era, namely:

1. Aditinggi (when this mountain was still worshiped by the ancestors of the Siau people in the past.

2 Yohanes Tamagagolo (When Christianity arrived on the island of Siau.

3 Karangetang (which is better known today).

In ancient times, according to our parents, before Christianity arrived on the island of Siau in 1563, the Siau people had 3 gods, namely: Genggonalangi, Aditnggi, and Mawendo. Of these three gods, Aditinggi is the one most known to the people of Siau, this is because there is a very close relationship between the people and this volcano. One proof of this relationship is that there are still people in Siau who believe that every eruption or eruption of this volcano is caused by people's wrong lifestyle. (someone commits a very serious sin).volcanic eruption as. response that something has happened that a believer should not have done 

In ancient times it was strictly forbidden to point towards a volcano with your index finger, because it was considered impolite.

From an economic perspective, this volcano also supports the economy of the local community,agricultural sector: Where the volcanic material it emits can fertilize farmers' crops. Rocks and sand are also of economic value and can be processed by the people of Siau to sell as building materials.

In the tourism sector, every corner of the eruption of Mount Karangetang is a special attraction for volcano lovers. The panorama of the expanse of hardened lava rocks is an undeniable attraction. This makes this mountain attractive to tourists, both foreign and..foreign countries to come and capture their moments.


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